Karma quotes and sayings about life and problems - Karma quotes

Lesson teaching Karma quotes and sayings about life problems that can help you to live life better-


Karma Says

If you focus on the hurt,

you will continue to suffer.

If you focus on the lesson,

you will continue to grow.

A saint was asked -

                          “ What is anger?”

He gave a beautiful answer

“ It is a punishment we give ourselves,

for somebody else's mistake.”

Karma quotes and sayings by Sadhguru

“ Every moment of your life,

you perform action physically, mentally,

emotionally and energy wise.

Each action creates a certain memory.

That's Karma

“ If you feel like that you are

losing everything then think about the 

Trees, who lose their leaves every year but

Still they stand for better days to come. ”

Karma said

“When somebody is not right for you,

God will continuously use them to hurt you 

until you are strong enough to

let them go.”

Karma quotes 

“ If you break someone's heart and 

they still talk to you with the same

excitement and respect,

Believe me, they really love you. ”

Karma Says or Karma quotes 

                   God removes people from

your life because.

He heard the conversations

that you didn't hear.

Karma quotes and sayings

“No need for revenge. Just sit back and 

wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up

themselves and if you are lucky,

it will let you watch.”

“ Waiting is a sign of true love 

and patience,

Anyone can say that I love you,

but not everyone can wait 

and prove it's true”

Karma Says

“Don't be happy when people say 

they love you and care for you ………

The real question is,

until when ?

Because just like seasons people


“Peace is not the 

highest goal in life.

It is the most important requirement.”

“You will never understand the

damage you did to someone until the same

pain you feel”

                         This is Karma 

“Loving someone you don't see 

everyday is not a bad thing.

It's just proof that love is not in sight,

but felt in the heart.”

“Life is Just like a boomerang

doing bad things to others

and Karma is turning back double to you”

“For those who have conquered the mind,

it is their friend. 

For those who have failed to do so,

the mind works like an enemy.”

“ Don't love too deeply until you're sure

that the other person loves

you with the same depth. Because the depth of

your love today is the depth of your

wound tomorrow.”

Karma comes after everyone eventually.

You can't get away with screwing people over your whole life,

I don't care who you are. What goes

around comes around.

That's how it works. Sooner or later the universe

will serve you the revenge that 

you deserve.”

“Understanding is deeper than knowledge,

There are many people who know you but there

are very few who understand you.”

Karma comes after everyone eventually.

You can't get away with screwing people

over your whole life,

I don't care who you are. What goes around

comes around. That's how it works.

Sooner or later the universe will serve you 

that you deserve.”

“Confidence and hard work is the best 

medicine to kill the disease called failure…”

“If a  man accepts a woman to be 

an angle in his life and home. He must first

 create a heaven for her.”

“Every situation in life

is temporary. So, when life is good,

make sure you enjoy and receive it fully.

And when life is not so good. Remember that 

it will not last forever. Good days

are in the way.”

“Flirting is an effective way

to reduce loneliness, depression and

relieving stress.”

“Sometimes you need to stop

saying sorry.

And start saying-

Yes I did it so what?”

Karma is gonna hit some of you

real hard for breaking people who had

nothing but good intentions for you”

Karma says 

listen to people with concentration when 

they are angry. Because that is the 

real truth which is coming out.”

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